Your educational resource to
support healthy decision-making
and responsible gambling in

We help you understand the risks so you can stay safe however you decide to play.

If you are struggling with gambling, click here.

A non-profit program ensuring that education and assistance remain integral components of Saskatchewan’s approach to gambling.

The Gambling Awareness Program (GAP) has been a trusted Saskatchewan resource for 30 years.


We provide prevention education on gambling and offer information to help individuals make healthy decisions related to gambling. Our content is curated to reflect modern trends and has broadened our message to include gambling and its convergence with video gaming, social media, and its connection to mental health.

GAP is focused on providing the necessary information at the right time to suit your goals in your curriculum, program, or business.

We cover topics such as:

GAP covers topics such as mental and physical health, influences, online safety, prevention and intervention, wellbeing, empowerment, tips, and resources.

GAP is a provincial education-based program that shares tools to make healthy decisions when it comes to gambling and its connections with video gaming, social media, internet use, and mental health.

We understand how crucial having the right information can be.

Our presentations and displays offer a range of age-appropriate information to support you and those you care about when facing challenges with gambling, video gaming, and social media. 

Learn how GAP Can Help