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Keeping it Safe

GAP recognizes that gambling is a form of entertainment for people. Some people may not struggle with their gambling activities, however, there are people who have difficulty regulating their play which can lead to problematic gambling behaviours.


Some signs that somebody is struggling with gambling are:

  • Preoccupied mind
    Spending time planning the next opportunity to gamble and thinking of ways of obtaining more gambling funds.
  • Lying
    Telling lies about how much money was spent, where the money is going, or where the individual has been.
  • Overspending
    Overspending money, time, and having difficulty setting limits and sticking to them.
  • Chasing Losses
    Attempting to win back money that has been lost.
  • Escapism
    Using gambling as a way to escape from real life issues and negative feelings in hopes of feeling better.
  • Financial Strain
    Experiencing financial struggles as a result of excessive gambling.
  • Relationship Pressures
    Experiencing strain in personal relations with spouses, parents, children, friends, work, etc.

If you can identify with some of the warning signs or are experiencing other issues related to gambling, it might be time to evaluate your situation and possibly reach out for help.


Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind when you gamble:


  • Set time and money limits
    Have a set amount of time that you spend gambling and have a predetermined amount of money that you are going to spend.
  • Budget
    Only use money that you can afford to lose.
  • Set reasonable expectations
    Knowing that when you gamble you are more likely to lose than to win in the long term.
  • Play smart
    Understand how the games work, odds and rules of the game, and recognize the psychological affects operators use to engage gamblers.
  • Balance
    Play for fun, not for money, and invest in other interests not related to gambling.

If you are experiencing gambling-related problems or have concerns, there are additional resources and supports in the community that are available.

GAP covers topics such as mental and physical health, influences, online safety, prevention and intervention, wellbeing, empowerment, tips, and resources.