Educators and Schools
We provide free, flexible presentations
that are crafted to keep your students
engaged and informed.
GAP is a provincial education-based program that believes in providing youth with the tools to make healthy decisions when it comes to gambling, video gaming, social media, internet use, and their overall mental health.
Our presentations offer a current perspective and balanced approach when sharing information about gambling, video gaming, and social media. GAP’s youth sessions align with Saskatchewan’s curriculum to support your learning objectives.
Currently, our presentations can be curated for ages as young as 8 years old. In the younger grades, we explore screen time that often involves lively engagement from students when we expand into video games and social media. As we move into the older grades, we broaden the conversation to include how video games, social media, and gambling can affect our mental health and the connection between mental health and addiction. Sessions provide a platform to engage students, discuss healthy strategies, and build resilience.
Sessions typically last a standard class period and can be adjusted to fit your schedule. They are a great fit for Financial Literacy, Math, Psychology, and Health classes. Not only are you providing students with the ability to make healthy decisions, you are also empowering them to be protective of themselves when it comes to the online world. GAP sees the importance of educating our future generations to provide them with some basic navigation through the dominating influences of social media, video gaming, and potential online encounters that get thrown their way.
In our presentations, our coordinators primarily focus on: